
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Popham beach trash and a tiny silver ring

I headed down the peninsula to Popham beach here in Maine around 2:00pm.  It's about a 20 minute drive and as I got close to the beach I entered a cold fog bank.  The temperature went from warm, sunny and 75F to 65F in seconds.  There were not many people at the beach, and like me they had hoped for a sunny day.  Here's what it looked like.  People were sheltering from the stiff sea breeze with umbrellas and braving it out.

This is the same beach where I recently recovered a gold class ring for someone that had lost it.  

It was high tide and I followed the dry sand at the waters edge where people sit on their towels and turned up this tiny silver ring.  
Weighing in at .86grams it is marked 825 - so about 82% silver and is a ring size of 2.5.  The blue abalone is nice and this was clearly a fresh drop as it is in mint condition.

I always pick up loose trash on the surface, and sometimes find buried and crushed beer cans.  I guess drinkers are too lazy to carry their trash out!  Also picked up other trash, and the 2 kids digging tools were 6" deep in the wet sand at the high tide line.  At least I got 20 cents in redeemables!
Overall though Maine beaches have very little trash and that makes me proud to live here!

I also found a couple of freshly dropped quarters and some rotting dimes that were deeper in the wet sand.

On my way home, the fog bank followed me and was just over the trees when I got back.  A half hour later I was fogged in - I'm about 5 miles west of route 1.

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