
Friday, October 26, 2018

Digging the boat ramp

There is a boat ramp near my home where folks put in their kayaks, and I launch my hand made wood canoe.  It's a scenic spot with gravel on the ramp that adjoins a 2-lane blacktop.  It was sunny and warm enough to go dig, and as I was driving the 1/2 mile to the ramp I encountered my friend and neighbor John who was out for a walk.  He and I have metal detected on his property where there is a old cellar hole from a barn.  I invited him to join me on a dig.  We found a lot of "stinkin' Lincolns" and a dime and a nickel.  Nothing too exciting.

But we also found 5 .45caliber pistol shells clumped together in one area.  (Chief Deputy Sheriff Brett, if you're reading this, maybe there was a murder here!😟)  There are different types, so I assume these were re-loads.  Those are BIG!

Here's a shot of John digging up something on the top of the ramp near the road.

We also found a bunch of junk that I don't bother to show like cans and bits of rusty metal etc.  This object looks like a face, but I think it's some kind of lock or latch.

When I get back I dump all my finds into a bin in my laundry room sink and sort everything into coins for cleaning, recyclable metals, special objects and trash.  Coins go into my tumbler for an hour or so, or get soaked in white vinegar.
Quite a lot goes into the trash, but I do make every effort to clean up any recyclable cans or metal and put it in with all my mixed recycling.  Our town picks up unsorted recyclables every 2 weeks and I usually have way more recycling than trash.  I then take the cleaned finds over to my workshop to photograph them and write the blog on my office computer.

The season is winding down and it's getting too cold or wet to dig often, but I'm hoping to get out there a few more times before the ground freezes hard in December.  Maine winters are brutal - they already had a foot of snow in the western part of the state.  But here along the coast it's more moderate.  We had snow flurries a few days ago, but I don't expect any accumulation for several weeks.

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